
Arriving on Princeton’s campus in the fall of our freshman year, we all heard the same thing: “People don’t date here.” We found ourselves submerged in the social phenomenon known as “The Hookup Culture,” but we were continually left wondering: Was this really all the Princeton social scene902993_147717762071423_1141510627_o had to offer? More and more we came to realize that we were not alone in our dissatisfaction. In fact, studies show that the majority of students agree with us, at least in private. But the status quo of meaningless hookups and unhealthy drinking remained. The Alternative was started in the spring of 2013 to change that.

Mission Statement
The Alternative exists to create and promote an alternative social scene that respects the whole person. We understand the problems associated with pluralistic ignorance, and thus we seek to reach out in particular to those who are or will be alienated or made uncomfortable by monolithic campus drinking and hookup cultures. To do this, we strive to organize regular social events of all sizes and to facilitate the grassroots development of smaller, more intimate social circles with shared values.549099_147721218737744_465614924_n (1)